New Delhi: The Indian Railways has released the schedule of summer special train connecting Punjab from Delhi. The special train will start operating from May 11 next month and travel to Haryana and Punjab from Delhi’s Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station. The train will stop at 5 major stations and will have 20 general coaches and only 2 sleeper coaches.
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Train number 04039 will start from Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station at 7.40 pm on May 11 and reach Beas Junction in Punjab at 4.05 am the next day. The train will leave Beas Junction at 9 pm on May 12 and return to Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station at 4 am the next morning.
The train stop at Sabzi Mandi, Ambala Cantt, Ludhiana Junction and Jalandhar. The cost per ticket will only be Rs 130 for a one-side journey.
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