Losing belongings while being outdoors is something that many of us experience, be it house keys, wallets or even mobile phones. While most of the time, there are no chances of recovery, there have been cases where people have gone out of their way to help the owner find their lost belongings. One such incident was shared on social media by a user who lost his wallet at a cafe in Bengaluru. The user stated that he started panicking, but the staff members of the cafe managed to contact him by looking him up on Google, even though they did not have his phone number. The post has gone viral with over 37,000 views and 383 likes.
The heartwarming incident was appreciated by many social media users. One user even exclaimed, ‘The best thing about Bengaluru!!’ Another user joked, ‘I’m disappointed that they didn’t search you on LinkedIn first.’ Such incidents have not only given hope to those who have lost their belongings but have also restored faith in humanity.
Similar incidents have also been shared by other users, highlighting the honesty and kindness of the people of Bengaluru. A user shared that he left his iPhone on a restaurant table but was fortunate enough to leave the bill on the table, which had his phone number. He was unaware that his iPhone was missing until he reached home, but the person who found it contacted him immediately, making him appreciate the people of Bengaluru even more.
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