Shabir Hussain Khan, also known as the ‘Blood man of Kashmir,’ has donated more than 182 pints of blood over the last 42 years, saving the lives of hundreds of people in need of blood in the Kashmir valley. He began his journey in 1980 when he donated blood for his friend who was in an accident in Srinagar. Since then, he has donated blood hundreds of times and organized over 1200 blood donation camps in the region.
Khan, who comes from a below poverty line (BPL) family, saw people struggling to find blood in hospitals and felt it was his duty as a human being and as a Muslim to donate blood to help others. He considers saving lives his life’s mission and best satisfaction, and will continue to donate blood as long as he lives. His blood group is O negative, making him a universal donor, and he has been continuously doing awareness programs and motivating thousands of youngsters to donate blood.
Despite being called the biggest life saver in the union territory, Khan has not received any government awards for his contribution. He hopes that the government will recognize the efforts of blood donors and provide them with a scheme that appreciates their work. He believes that refreshments for donors are not enough, and they deserve recognition from the government.
Khan’s journey in blood donation is inspiring, and he continues to save lives without expecting anything in return. He has organized blood donation camps even during the peak of the pandemic and continues to motivate people to donate blood for those in need.
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