National Testing Agency (NTA) has invited applications for admission to the University Grants Commission (UGC) National Eligibility Test (NET) June 2023. UGC-NET, is a test to determine the eligibility of Indian nationals for ‘Assistant Professor’ and ‘Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor’ in Indian universities and colleges. It will be conducted in 83 subjects in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.
Examination of 3 hours’ duration without any break, will be held during 13 June 2023 to 22 June 2023 in 2 shifts per day. The First Shift will be from 9 am to 12 noon and the second shift from 3 pm to 6 pm. Test Structure: The Test will consist of two papers. Both the papers will consist of objective type, multiple choice questions. Paper I will have 50 questions carrying 100 marks. The questions in Paper I intends to assess the teaching/ research aptitude of the candidate. It will primarily be designed to test reasoning ability, reading comprehension, divergent thinking and general awareness of the Candidate. Paper II will have 100 questions carrying 200 marks.
This will be based on the subject selected by the candidate and will assess domain knowledge. All the questions are compulsory. There is no negative marking for incorrect response. Information Bulletin containing all the details including the eligibility for applying, age conditions, Subject and Syllabus of Test etc; is available at https://ugcnet.nta.nic.in/
Application: Online Application Form can be submitted up to 5 pm on 31 May 2023 at https://ugcnet.nta.nic.in/ Application fee will be Rs. 1150/-. It will be Rs. 600/- for Gen-EWS/ OBC-NCL and Rs. 325/- for Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribes (ST) / Person with Disability (PwD)/Third gender. Examination fee can be remitted through Credit Card/ Debit Card/Net Banking /UPI up to 11.50 pm on 1 June 2023.
Correction in the Particulars in Online Application Form can be done from 2 June 2023 up to 11.50 pm on 3 June 2023. Announcement of City of Exam Centre will be made in the first week of June 2023. Downloading of Admit Card from NTA Website can be done in the Second week of June 2023. Centre, Date and Shift will be as indicated on Admit Card. Recorded Responses and Answer Key(s) will be displayed on dates to be announced later on the website. For details visit https://ugcnet.nta.nic.in/
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