At a ceremony on Monday, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik introduced the ‘Odisha for Artificial Intelligence’ and ‘Artificial Intelligence for Youth’ projects. According to officials, major technology company Intel is collaborating in the endeavor. The chief minister announced its launch, saying that in the first phase, it will be implemented in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Puri, and Cuttack. According to him, the government has prioritized technology-driven transformation as one of the core components of its 5-T (teamwork, technology, transparency, timely completion leading to transformation) agenda.
The effort will increase the general public’s digital literacy and familiarity with next-generation cutting-edge technologies. It will also stimulate research, innovation, and application across sectors, according to him. Patnaik directed that all government departments use these programs to train personnel. Tusharkanti Behera, Minister of Electronics and Information Technology, emphasized the state’s technology push, which is reshaping Odisha in several areas. According to him, the AI program will propel Odisha to the top of the country’s states. Nivruti Rai, the head of Intel India, also spoke at the event.
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