According to reports, actor Prabhas is rumored to be getting married soon. In a recent interview, the Baahubali star mentioned that he intends to wed in Tirupati. This news comes amidst speculations that Prabhas and Kriti Sanon are in a relationship. The two actors will be seen together in their upcoming film, Adipurush, which is a modern-day adaptation of the epic Ramayana. Prabhas will portray the character Raghava, while Kriti will essay the role of Janaki.
During a promotional event for the film, Prabhas was asked about his marriage plans, to which he replied, “Marriage? Someday, I’ll get married in Tirupati only.”
Prabhas expressed his gratitude for being a part of a film based on the Ramayana, considering it a stroke of luck. He mentioned an encounter with actor Chiranjeevi, who had asked him if he was working on the Ramayana project. Prabhas responded affirmatively, and Chiranjeevi blessed him, stating that not everyone gets the opportunity to work on such a significant project.
Adipurush marks the first collaboration between Prabhas and director Om Raut. Prabhas acknowledged the challenges and responsibilities that come with portraying the character of Raghava, expressing his excitement about the way Om Raut has designed it. He believes that the youth of the country will shower the film with love.
Apart from Prabhas, Adipurush also features Saif Ali Khan as Lankesh, the antagonist. Saif previously worked with Om Raut in the film Tanhaji, which also starred Ajay Devgn.
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