On Thursday night, a crowd attacked and set fire to Union Minister of State for External Affairs RK Ranjan Singh’s bungalow in Kongba, Imphal, two days after the state’s greatest escalation of violence left nine people dead and ten injured.
At the time of the event, the minister’s residence had nine security escort personnel, five security guards, and eight additional guards on duty. “We were unable to prevent the incident because the mob was overwhelming and we were unable to control the situation.” “They threw petrol bombs from all directions, including the bye lane behind the building and the front entrance, so we simply couldn’t control the mob,” stated L Dineshwor Singh, Escort Commander. This is the second time a mob has attacked the minister’s home. Security forces fired in the air to disperse the throng during the May attack. In Manipur, recent ethnic violence between the Meitei and Kuki communities has resulted in over 100 deaths and 310 injuries. The army and paramilitary troops have been deployed in response to restore peace in the state. The skirmishes began on May 3rd, following the organisation of a ‘Tribal Solidarity March’ in the hill areas to protest the Meitei community’s quest for Scheduled Tribe (ST) designation.