Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan expressed concern about the rising crime rate in Kerala and the involvement of student union members in illegal activities. He criticized the Students Federation of India (SFI), the student union of CPM, stating that being a member of this organization gives a sense of entitlement to engage in illegal actions.
In a media address, the governor lamented the deteriorating state of higher education in Kerala, which he described as heading towards a collapse. Recent reports highlighted alleged cases of fake certificates and malpractices involving SFI activists, who allegedly used these methods to secure college admissions and win student union elections.
Governor Khan emphasized that while the crime rate in Kerala is relatively low, there is a high tendency among individuals to take the law into their own hands due to a belief that their student union will protect them. He expressed deep concern over the situation, remarking that the collapse of higher education is a more serious matter than the breakdown of law and order.
The governor underscored the importance of education, stating that the future of coming generations is at stake. He criticized the state’s political landscape, pointing out that due to such politics, businesses and industries have been driven away from Kerala. Khan further highlighted that Kerala fails to fully utilize the talent of its people, in contrast to the rest of the world.
Regarding allegations of a fake certificate submitted by an SFI leader for admission to an M Com course, the governor announced his intention to seek clarification from the relevant authorities regarding any lapses that may have occurred.
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