A five-star hotel in this city claims that one of its visitors conspired with certain hotel workers and stayed for over two years without paying, resulting in a loss of Rs 58 lakh. In Aerocity, close to the Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport, the hotel Roseate House has reported a crime.
Ankush Dutta checked out of Roseate without paying a dime, according to the FIR recently filed by Vinod Malhotra, an approved agent of Bird Airports Hotel Private Limited, which owns and maintains Roseate. Ankush Dutta stayed for 603 days at a cost of Rs 58 lakh.
According to the FIR, Prem Prakash, the hotel’s head of front desk, who had the authority to set room prices and access to the computer system to monitor all visitors’ debts, permitted Dutta’s extended stay in violation of hotel policies.
The hotel’s management believes that Prakash may have accepted money from Dutta in exchange for allowing him to overstay his welcome using internal software that tracks and maintains visitors’ stays and visits as well as their accounts.
‘A criminal conspiracy was hatched by guest Mr Ankush Dutta along with some known and unknown hotel staff, including Mr Prem Prakash with a motive to gain wrongfully and deprive the hotel of its rightful dues,’ the FIR said.
‘In pursuance of the said conspiracy, the alleged staff of the hotel forged, deleted, added accounts entries and falsified a large number of entries in the account of the said guest Ankush Dutta in the Opera software system of the hotel,’ it added.
Dutta allegedly checked in on May 30, 2019, and reserved a room for one night, according to the hotel. Although he was due to leave on May 31, he kept extending his stay until January 22, 2021.
According to hotel policy, if a guest’s unpaid balance is more than 72 hours old, the CEO and Financial Controller should be notified for information and guidance. Prakash, however, failed to pay Dutta’s debt to the hotel’s CEO and FC.
Prakash failed to submit any pending payments between May 30, 2019, and October 25, 2019, according to the FIR. Even after October 25, he falsified the outstanding payment report by combining unrelated guests’ unpaid invoices into one bill in order to conceal Dutta’s outstanding balance.
According to the hotel, Prakash used a variety of strategies to make sure Dutta had a comfortable stay. He even established an account to appear as though other hotel guests had paid for Dutta, which turned out to be untrue.
‘The scrutiny of record of the alleged officials of the hotel revealed that they created several fake and false pending bills to benefit Ankush Dutta by adopting various ways like by removing room nights from his bills, transferring his debits into the bills of other guests’ bills, using settled bills of other guests by incorporating his name in the bill, etc,’ the FIR said.
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