According to officials, a guy from Bihar was arrested and a juvenile was apprehended in connection with their claimed involvement in the CoWIN site data leak. They claim the individual utilised the Telegram app to disclose the information. There have been allegations of a data breach involving citizens registered on the CoWIN platform, and opposition parties have urged the government to take appropriate action. The government has called such reports “mischievous” and “without any basis,” while claiming that the CoWIN portal is entirely safe and has necessary data privacy precautions.
The matter was referred to the country’s nodal cyber security organisation CERT-In, which stated in its first assessment that the backend database for the Telegram bot at the focus of the suspected leak was not directly accessing the CoWIN database’s APIs. The Union Health Ministry also stated in a statement that an internal exercise has been launched to assess existing security measures. The CoWIN site is a repository for all data on all COVID-19 vaccine recipients in the country.
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