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Sudhakaran’s statement to be recorded by Crime Branch today

Today, the Crime Branch is set to record the statement of K Sudhakaran, the president of Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC), in the ongoing antique fraud case. Sudhakaran, who is the second accused in the case, will provide his account of events related to the alleged swindler Monson Mavunkal.

The High Court has ordered that Sudhakaran be released on payment of a surety of Rs 50,000 and two other sureties for the same amount, in the event of his arrest. Sudhakaran had previously submitted an affidavit, pledging his full cooperation with the investigation. The Crime Branch, led by Deputy Superintendent of Police Y R Rustam, has not confirmed whether Sudhakaran will be arrested or not.

Additionally, the team is yet to decide when to question Inspector General of Police G Lakshman, the third accused, who has been granted anticipatory bail by the High Court.

According to the petition filed, Monson had convinced the complainants that the Central government had frozen Rs 2.62 lakh crore, which he claimed to have earned by selling unique antiques to a royal family in the Gulf. Over time, Monson had taken a total of Rs 10 crore from the complainants, misleading them into believing that the funds were necessary to overcome obstacles in releasing the frozen amount.

The complainants further alleged that on November 22, 2018, Sudhakaran had assured them at Monson’s house that he would intervene as a Member of Parliament to resolve the issues. Based on this assurance, they had paid the money to Monson.


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