At a villa in a resort in Hyderabad on Saturday, a guy was allegedly fired at with an airgun by a person, who is said to be a television actor, over domestic disputes involving the latter’s kids, according to police.
The victim’s report led to the registration of a case regarding the occurrence, which took place inside the boundaries of Shamirpet Police Station. An interrogation of the actor is currently taking place, according to a senior police official.
‘The person who fired with the airgun seems to be an actor and he is being questioned. We have seized that airgun,’ the official said.
The victim, a worker at a business with its headquarters in Visakhapatnam, and his wife had split up in 2019. According to the authorities, the woman and her two kids—a boy and a girl—had been residing with the actor, and the man had gone to the villa to pick up his daughter.
According to the police, the actor and the man got into a fight, and the actor shot an airgun at the man, but no one was hurt.
Police said that, the woman also claimed that her ex-husband had made threats against them in an effort to get them to fight.
The woman is alleged to be the actor’s business partner in a software company, but the official noted that this information has not yet been confirmed.
Investigations are still ongoing.
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