According to authorities, at least six people were killed and at least as many were injured after a speeding container truck crashed with a passenger-carrying jeep in Maharashtra’s Thane district early Tuesday morning. The truck crashed with the vehicle, which was carrying students and other passengers from Padgha to Khadavli railway station. According to a police control room employee, the jeep was dragged for roughly 100 metres before overturning.
The accident happened around 6.30 a.m. in the Padgha area of Bhiwandi taluka, according to an official from the Padgha police station. Four people died on the spot, while two died on the way to the hospital, according to a district disaster control room official. Three critically injured people were being treated at a hospital in Bhiwandi, he said, while three others with lesser injuries were given first treatment and discharged.
According to the authorities, after receiving information, some people went to the scene to assist the victims. Remains were taken to a government hospital for postmortem examination.
According to authorities, the deceased were named as Chinmay Shinde (15), Riya Pardeshi, Chaitali Pimple (27), Santosh Anant Jadhav (50), Vasant Dharma Jadhav (50), and Prajval Firke. Dada Bhuse, the Maharashtra PWD minister, paid a visit to the private hospital where three of the injured were being treated. According to Padgha police station in-charge Sanjay Sable, the truck driver was arrested for reckless and negligent driving.
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