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Easy Homemade Pocket Shawarma Recipe

Simple pocket shawarma recipe:

– 250g boneless chicken (or your preferred protein)
– 1 tablespoon olive oil
– 1 tablespoon lemon juice
– 1 teaspoon ground cumin
– 1 teaspoon paprika
– 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
– 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
– 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
– Salt and pepper to taste
– Pita bread or flatbread
– Sliced tomatoes
– Sliced cucumbers
– Shredded lettuce
– Pickles (optional)
– Tahini sauce or garlic sauce (store-bought or homemade)

1. Cut the boneless chicken into thin strips or bite-sized pieces.
2. In a bowl, mix the olive oil, lemon juice, ground cumin, paprika, ground coriander, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper to create a marinade.
3. Add the chicken to the marinade and coat it well. Let it marinate for at least 30 minutes, or you can refrigerate it for a few hours for better flavor.
4. Heat a skillet or grill pan over medium-high heat and cook the marinated chicken until it’s fully cooked and slightly charred on the edges.
5. Warm the pita bread in the oven or on a stovetop.
6. Once the chicken is cooked, assemble the pocket shawarma. Lay the warm pita bread flat and add the cooked chicken, sliced tomatoes, cucumbers, shredded lettuce, and pickles (if using).
7. Drizzle tahini sauce or garlic sauce over the filling.
8. Carefully fold the pita bread to create a pocket and serve immediately.


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