Simple home remedies for bladder infection

Bladder infection is one of the main symptom of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Uncomfortable symptoms like a sudden urge to urinate,  stomach cramps and pain when urinating are associated with this.

Anjali Mukerjee, a nutritionist, talks about viable treatments that could ease uncomfortable signs and symptoms of bladder infection.

Cherry: Cherry consumption can reduce the burning feeling in the urine by one cup every two hours.

Garlic: Consume 4-5 raw garlic cloves by chopping them finely and slurping them down with warm water, or prepare a garlic pickle with lime juice and consume 4-5 cloves every day for a week.

Baking Soda: For three to four days, take a half-teaspoon of baking soda and water in the morning before breakfast. This will have a relaxing impact and assist in lessening burning sensations.

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Water: Drinking a lot of liquids is obviously beneficial because it flushes the system and dilutes the toxins in the urine. Early in the morning, on an empty stomach, consume one litre of water. Then, during the day, have another 6 to 8 glasses of water. This will stop your issue from recurring.

Limit Alcohol: Avoid alcohol since it makes you more dehydrated and is a diuretic. Because there will be less fluid in the system, this could result in additional infection.

Diet: When bladder infection symptoms first appear, refrain from consuming any kind of protein for a few days. Just survive for approximately two days on a lot of fruits and vegetables. By doing this, the burden of digestion would be reduced and the energy would be focused on fighting the infection.

Herbal tea: Lemon rind and cinnamon can be used to create this tea at home. Boil one litre of water with one spoonful of granted lemon rind and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder for five minutes. When it’s heated, strain it and consume.



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