On Wednesday morning, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted raids at the residences of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Member of Parliament, Sanjay Singh, in connection with a money laundering case related to the Delhi excise policy. According to officials, several other properties linked to individuals connected to this case were also subjected to searches.
Sanjay Singh, aged 51, serves as a Rajya Sabha MP representing the AAP. Prior to the raids, the ED had previously questioned his staff members and associates in connection with this investigation.
In May of the same year, MP Sanjay Singh wrote a letter to Finance Secretary T V Somanathan, alleging that the ED Director and Assistant Director had unfairly associated his name with an alleged liquor scam without a solid basis. He contended that this baseless accusation had tarnished his public image and reputation. Singh asserted that his name had been added to the case solely based on statements from Dinesh Arora. Furthermore, he accused these officers of misusing their authority and demanded that legal action be taken against them. He had already sent a legal notice to these officers, demanding a public apology.
The core allegation in this case pertains to the Delhi government’s excise policy for 2021-22, which allegedly favored certain liquor traders who were believed to have paid bribes. It was claimed that this policy allowed for cartelization. The AAP strongly denied these allegations. Subsequently, the policy was revoked, and the Delhi lieutenant governor recommended a CBI probe, leading to the ED registering a case under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
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