The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has introduced a two-part animated film series designed to educate children about India’s fight for independence. Union minister Anurag Singh Thakur launched the series in New Delhi, featuring animated characters Kris, Trish, and Baltic boy, covering the period from 1500 to India’s 1947 independence. It comprises 52 episodes, each lasting 11 minutes, and is available in multiple languages. The series aims to shed light on often-overlooked contributors to the freedom struggle and inspire younger generations with the stories of those who shaped modern India. It will be broadcast on Doordarshan, Netflix, and Amazon Prime.
A significant focus of the series is the role of women and tribal freedom fighters in the battle against foreign colonizers, highlighting figures like Rani Abbakka, Tilka Manjhi, Tirot Singh, and more. The Secretary of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Apurva Chandra, noted that the series targets all Indians, with a particular focus on children, aiming to raise awareness about India’s glorious freedom struggle and the sacrifices made by countless heroes. The series consists of 26 episodes in Season 1, each presenting an 11-minute animated narrative.
Furthermore, the series is produced in 12 Indian languages and dubbed in seven international languages, making it accessible to a global audience. This animated series serves as an invaluable educational tool to impart India’s rich history and honor the remarkable individuals who played a pivotal role in the nation’s quest for independence.
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