In a significant development on Tuesday, the Kannavam police successfully apprehended Ganesh, a fugitive who had been on the run for an astounding two decades. Hailing from Kadalur in Puducherry, Ganesh had been declared a wanted criminal by the court due to his involvement in a tragic road accident case.
The incident, which occurred in 2002 at Nirnalagiri near Kuthuparamba, resulted in the loss of three lives as a lorry, driven by Ganesh, collided with them. Initially, Ganesh was arrested in connection with the accident and subsequently released on bail. However, he repeatedly evaded appearing before the court for trial, ultimately leading to his decision to abscond.
In a commendable display of dedication, the Kannavam police conducted an extensive investigation that eventually led them to Ganesh’s hideout in Puducherry. This culminated in the successful apprehension of the long-sought-after fugitive, as explained by SHO Jithesh, who led the arresting team.
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