Kerala State Award-winning actress Vincy Aloshious, who was honored as the Best Actress of the year, has expressed her desire for a name change. She now wishes to be referred to as “Win.C” by her friends, family, and fans, and she made this unique request known via her Instagram page. The decision to alter the spelling of her name was inspired by none other than megastar Mammootty, who played a significant role in this choice. According to Vincy, the excitement she felt when Mammootty addressed her as “Wincy” symbolized victory and led to her decision to make the change. Vincy initially made her acting debut in the film ‘Vikruthi’ and gained recognition through Mazhavil Manorama’s ‘Nayika Nayakan’ in 2018, where she portrayed a range of intense and humorous characters. Notably, she played the lead role in ‘Rekha,’ a film centered on a girl seeking vengeance against men who had mistreated her.
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