Devil Comet with horns, a massive cryovolcanic comet three times the size of Mount Everest, has once again undergone a explosive event as it travels toward Earth.
The colossal comet earned its name due to the observation of two devil-like horns during previous outbursts. However, in this instance, astronomers did not detect signs of a dark lane in the comet’s coma, the hazy cloud surrounding its nucleus. Also known as 12P/Pons-Brooks, it recently experienced its fourth explosion, potentially the most significant outburst yet, causing it to abruptly brighten more than 100 times and shine as brightly as the Elliptical Galaxy located 600 million light-years away.
Termed a ‘cold volcano,’ this space rock has a diameter of about 18 miles and is classified as such because it violently ejects ice and gas.
The most recent outburst occurred just two weeks after the comet’s last event. Elliot Herman, tracking the comet, noted that “Comet 12P appears to be manifesting more frequent outbursts, a new outburst only two weeks from the prior outburst is now apparent.”
The comet’s previous explosions were observed on July 20, October 5, and November 1. While the comet will reach its closest point to Earth in June 2024, estimates assure that it poses no danger to our planet, passing by at a safe distance. Subsequently, Devil Comet with horns will not return until the year 2095.
Moohita Kaur Garg, an ardent Harry Potter fan, expresses a deep belief in the magical power of words, choosing journalism to explore and convey stories related to science, technology, politics, and trending news topics. She shares her insights on Twitter at @MoohitaKaurGarg.
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