“Oppenheimer,” hailed as the year’s global sensation, has made its mark on a prominent Indian OTT platform. Bollywood luminary Varun Dhawan shared the exciting news in a lively promotional video. Crafted by the visionary Christopher Nolan, the film intricately unfolds the life narrative of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the esteemed American physicist recognized as the ‘father of the atomic bomb.’
Stepping into Oppenheimer’s shoes is the talented Cillian Murphy, portraying the physicist’s journey from academia to spearheading the Manhattan Project during WWII, and ultimately facing a poignant downfall. Alongside Murphy, the stellar cast includes Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr., and Florence Pugh, each contributing significantly to the narrative.
Originally hitting theaters on July 21, the cinematic masterpiece is now available on Prime Video for rent at Rs 149 starting November 22. Varun Dhawan, in the promotional video, encapsulates the allure of “Oppenheimer” with a resounding endorsement, “You need more reasons to watch Oppenheimer? I’ll give you three. Christopher Freaking Nolan.”