A Delhi court on Friday rejected the bail application of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Rajya Sabha Member of Parliament (MP) Sanjay Singh in a money laundering case related to the Delhi excise policy scam. The Special CBI Judge MK Nagpal of Rouse Avenue Courts dismissed Singh’s plea, stating that a detailed order would be provided later.
Earlier on Thursday, the court had adjourned the proceedings and announced that the verdict on Singh’s bail application would be pronounced on December 22. During the arguments on Singh’s bail application, his counsel highlighted contradictions in the statements of accused-turned-approver Dinesh Arora and other witnesses regarding the payment of bribes to Singh.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) opposed Singh’s application, emphasizing that the investigation was still ongoing, and if released on bail, he could potentially interfere with the investigation, tamper with evidence, and influence witnesses. The ED had arrested Singh on October 4.
The ED alleges that Singh played a significant role in formulating and implementing the now-scrapped 2021-2022 excise policy, benefiting specific liquor manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers in exchange for monetary considerations. Singh has consistently denied any wrongdoing. His arrest was the third high-profile arrest of an AAP leader in the excise policy case.
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