NASA has reinitiated a mission to study the “God of Chaos” asteroid, Apophis, as it approaches Earth’s orbit. The spacecraft OSIRIS-REx, now named OSIRIS-APEX, recently returned from deep space after a seven-year mission to collect samples from the space rock Bennu. The renewed mission aims to study the close flyby of Apophis, expected in 2029, where the asteroid will come within 20,000 miles of Earth, closer than some manmade satellites. This event is considered extremely close and hasn’t occurred since the dawn of recorded history.
Apophis, measuring nearly 370 yards across, orbits Earth approximately every 7,500 years. During its close flyby, the Earth’s gravity is expected to impact the asteroid’s surface, potentially altering its day length of about 30.6 hours. This interaction may also cause landslides and earthquakes on the asteroid, providing valuable insights into planetary formation processes.
NASA’s OSIRIS-APEX will observe surface changes, map the asteroid’s surface, and analyze its chemical composition. The spacecraft will operate in proximity to Apophis for 18 months but will not land on its surface. During the close encounter, OSIRIS-APEX will come within 16 feet of the asteroid’s surface, allowing thrusters to be fired downward to investigate the material beneath the surface.
While Apophis is set to make its closest approach in 2029, scientists will continue tracking the asteroid as it completes six close passes with the sun. The mission aims to gain a deeper understanding of Apophis and its behavior during this historic and scientifically significant event.
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