“Schirkoa: In Lies We Trust,” a science fiction animated film directed by debut filmmaker Ishan Shukla, is scheduled to make its global premiere at the 2024 International Film Festival of Rotterdam (IFFR). The movie, part of the festival’s Bright Future program, features a notable voice cast including Golshifteh Farahani, Asia Argento, Soko, Shabaz Sarwar, Tibu Fortes, King Khan, Denzil Smith, and John Sutton. Bright Future focuses on feature-length debuts with original subject matter and distinctive styles, showcasing the forefront of contemporary filmmaking.
The narrative of “Schirkoa: In Lies We Trust” unfolds in a dystopian world where people wear paper bags over their heads to erase differences. The established system begins to crumble when whispers of a land of freedom circulate. The protagonist, a new council member in love with a free-spirited girl, becomes entangled in a complex web of events, revealing a new reality. The film, based on Shukla’s 2016 short film of the same name, has gained international recognition, winning awards and being longlisted for the Academy Awards.
Shukla expressed his excitement about unveiling a narrative reflecting the zeitgeist and transcending boundaries. The animated film also features guest voices of prominent figures like Karan Johar, Shekhar Kapur, Anurag Kashyap, Piyush Mishra, Lav Diaz, and Gasper Noe. “Schirkoa: In Lies We Trust” is an Indo-French-German co-production and will be showcased at IFFR from January 24 to February 4.
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