Mumbai: OnePlus launched its latest truly wireless stereo (TWS) earphones named ‘Buds 3’ in India. OnePlus Buds 3 price in India is set at Rs. 5,499. It is available in Metallic Gray and Splendid Blue colours. They will go on sale in India via starting on February 6, via OnePlus’ website, Amazon, and retail stores.
The newly announced OnePlus Buds 3 features a dual driver setup that comprises a 10.4mm woofer and a 6mm tweeter. Both left and right earphones are equipped with 3 microphones with -38dB sensitivity. It offers support for 49dB adaptive noise cancellation.
It supports AAC, SBC, and LHDC 5.0 codecs. It features a low-latency mode and Google Fast Pair support. The optional dual connection mode also allows to use the OnePlus Buds 3 with two devices at the same time.
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The OnePlus Buds 3 will offer up to 6.5 hours of playback with ANC enabled and 28 hours with the charging casey. If you turn off ANC, the TWS headset claimed to offer 10 hours of continuous use, and 44 hours with the charging case.
Each earphone has a 58mAh battery and the charging case has a 520mAh battery — OnePlus says a 10-minute charge will provide up to 7 hours of battery life. The OnePlus Buds 3 have an IP55 rating for dust and splash resistance, and come with a USB Type-C charging cable.
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