In the ongoing two-year war against Russia, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is considering a “reset” that involves replacing several top officials, including the commander-in-chief of the country’s armed forces, Valerii Zaluzhnyi. Speculations about Zelensky’s intention to dismiss Zaluzhnyi, a highly popular figure, have been circulating for weeks, as the two leaders have been in disagreement over the current strategy employed in the war.
Zelensky addressed the potential changes in an interview, stating, “It is a question of the people who are to lead Ukraine. A reset is necessary, I am talking about a replacement of a number of state leaders, not only in the army sector.” When asked specifically about Zaluzhnyi, Zelensky emphasized the need for a significant overhaul, saying, “When I speak of turnover, I have in mind something serious that does not concern a single person, but the direction of the country’s leadership.”
The Ukrainian president stressed the importance of unity and a shared direction to achieve success in the war. He stated, “To win the war, we must all push in the same direction. We cannot be discouraged; we must have the right and positive energy. Negativity must be left at home. We can’t take on giving-up attitudes.” Zelensky’s remarks highlight the gravity of the situation and the necessity for a cohesive leadership approach to overcome the challenges posed by the conflict with Russia.