Every year people across the globe celebrate February 14 as Valentine’s Day or lovers day. Valentine’s Day is named after Saint Valentine. Saint Valentine was a Catholic clergyman who lived in Rome during the 3rd century BC. The day is followed by different names such as Saint Valentine’s Day or Feast of Saint Valentine.
Lovers across the globe celebrate the day with great enthusiasm. Not only Valentine’s Day but the entire week is also meant to glorify the emotion of love. The days are Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day, and Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Week is celebrated from February 7 to February 14. Valentine’s Week starts with Rose Day and ends with valentine’s Day. The week comprises of Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day and Valentine’s Day.
‘Given their similarities, it has been suggested that the holiday has origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. The festival, which celebrated the coming of spring, included fertility rites and the pairing off of women with men by lottery. At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I forbade the celebration of Lupercalia and is sometimes attributed with replacing it with St. Valentine’s Day, but the true origin of the holiday is vague at best,’ says Britannica.
Teddy Day is observed on February 10 each year. It is the fourth day of Valentine’s Week, which begins on February 7 with Rose Day.
Also Read: Valentine’s Week 2024: Know history and significance of Promise Day
On this day, people gift teddy bear soft toys to their loved ones and they also decorate the toy with hearts or personalise them with handwritten notes.
Teddy Bear got its name from Theodore ‘Teddy’ Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States. In 1902, Roosevelt went on a bear hunting trip in the Onward town of Mississippi with some aides and dogs. His team managed to locate and corner a black bear. They caught the animal and tied it to a willow tree. When Roosevelt was invited to shoot the injured bear, he refused saying that it would be ‘unsportsmanlike’.
A cartoonist gave the whole story a satirical touch. The cartoon inspired a New York-based toy shop owner named Morris Mitchom and his wife Rose. The couple went ahead to make a stuffed toy bear and named it Teddy’s Bear.
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