Alicia Framis, a performing artist based in Spain, is preparing to wed an AI-generated hologram, blurring the lines between science fiction and reality. Despite its otherworldly nature, Framis’ prospective spouse is a digital being crafted through holographic technology and machine learning algorithms.
By marrying an AI-generated digital entity, Framis is poised to become the first woman to take such a step, potentially paving the way for future relationships and marriages. This unconventional union is far from mere speculation; Framis has already secured a venue for the wedding and is currently designing her wedding gown.
Framis has named her intended partner AILex, revealing that he is a holographic representation of a middle-aged male with nuanced characteristics derived from profiles of her past partners.
The prospect of customizing romantic partners to one’s exact specifications reflects a broader trend toward personalization seen in various aspects of modern life, such as tailored content on streaming platforms and customized email services like Gmail. It suggests a future where individuals may opt to create ideal partners from scratch rather than navigating relationships with real humans.
However, Framis’ marriage is not motivated by romantic sentiment alone; it is part of her larger project titled Hybrid Couple. Through this endeavor, she seeks to explore the intersections of love, intimacy, and identity in an era dominated by advancements in artificial intelligence.
By marrying an AI-generated hologram, Framis challenges conventional notions of romantic relationships and prompts contemplation about the evolving dynamics between humans and technology in contemporary society.
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