Pushpa 3 is under discussion! Allu Arjun is presently gearing up for the release of Pushpa: The Rule, slated to hit theaters on August 15, 2024. Even before the much-anticipated release of the second installment, Allu Arjun has hinted at the potential for a third part of the movie.
While attending the Berlin Film Festival, Arjun tantalized audiences with hints about the third installment of his blockbuster franchise. In an interview with Variety, he expressed, “You can definitely expect part three; we do intend to make it a franchise, and we have exciting ideas in the pipeline.”
Arjun further elaborated, expressing his curiosity about how international audiences perceive Indian cinema. He stated, “I just want to see how people abroad are going to perceive this film, and try to understand their view of Indian cinema. I want to understand the film festival culture and the types of films that are watched, as well as the mindset of the attendees.”
Additionally, the actor shared insights into the highly anticipated second part of the movie. He disclosed, “Pushpa 2 will showcase a different facet of Pushpa compared to what viewers witnessed in Pushpa 1. It will delve into the higher end of the spectrum in terms of characterization. The portrayal of Pushpa will be on a grander scale, with a larger canvas of challenges compared to the first installment. The problems addressed will be on a bigger scale, offering a different dimension to the characterization.”
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