The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), the Indian education board, is reportedly contemplating the implementation of open book examinations for students in classes 9 through 12, as per a report by The Indian Express published on Thursday, February 22, citing insider sources. According to the report, the CBSE has put forth a proposal for a trial run of open-book exams in select schools.
For classes 9 and 10, the subjects earmarked for such examinations are English, Mathematics, and Science. Meanwhile, for classes 11 and 12, English, Mathematics, and Biology have been designated, as outlined in the report. This trial phase is slated to occur in November-December of the current year. The CBSE aims to assess students’ completion time for these exams and gauge stakeholders’ feedback during this period. The report from The Indian Express also indicates that the trial run will concentrate on evaluating aspects like higher-order thinking skills, application, and analysis.
But what exactly is an open-book examination? In an open-book exam, students are permitted to consult textbooks, class notes, and supplementary study materials while taking the test. While it may seem that an open-book exam is less challenging than a closed-book one since students can readily access their study materials, this isn’t necessarily the case. According to Cornell University, open-book exams can often be more demanding than closed-book ones. Such exams necessitate students to engage in higher-level thinking processes.
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