Reliance Industries announced on Thursday that Paramount Global has agreed to sell its 13% stake in its Indian TV business to Reliance for Rs 4,286 crore. According to Reliance’s stock exchange filing, the agreement involves the acquisition of a 13.01% equity stake of Viacom 18 Media Private Limited, held by Paramount Global’s subsidiaries.
Paramount Global, in a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), stated that the transaction’s completion is contingent upon meeting customary conditions, including regulatory approvals and the finalization of a joint venture involving Reliance, Viacom18, and Star Disney. Post-transaction, Paramount will continue licensing its content to Viacom18, the filing added.
Reliance Industries further detailed that Viacom18 is a material subsidiary of TV18 Broadcast Ltd., holding convertible preference shares representing 57.48% equity stake. After the deal’s conclusion, Reliance’s equity stake in Viacom18 will rise to 70.49% on a fully diluted basis. The agreement comes amidst Reliance’s ongoing media expansion, which includes mergers with Walt Disney Co and investments to bolster its presence in the digital streaming space.
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