As India prepares for soaring temperatures during the April-June period, researchers are warning of the severe impact this heat can have on outdoor workers, particularly in sectors like farming and construction. The India Meteorological Department has forecasted above-normal maximum temperatures across most parts of the country during these months, with central and western peninsular regions expected to face the brunt of the heatwave.
In response to these alarming predictions, researchers are advocating for innovative approaches to outdoor work, such as flexible hours and mandatory breaks, to help workers adapt to the adverse effects of heat, exacerbated by climate change-induced humidity. Vimal Mishra, a professor at IIT Gandhinagar, highlights the challenges posed by humid heat, explaining that it can hinder the body’s cooling mechanism and potentially lead to fatal consequences for those engaged in intensive labor under such conditions.
A recent international study, co-led by the US-based Paul G Allen Family Foundation, underscores the urgent need for action, revealing that a mere one-degree Celsius increase in temperature could significantly reduce the number of hours outdoor workers can safely work. With the world inching closer to breaching the temperature goals set by the Paris Agreement, outdoor workers in tropical regions like Africa and Asia are deemed most vulnerable, necessitating immediate measures to safeguard their health and well-being.
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