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PM Modi oversees readiness for heat wave conditions

PM Narendra Modi led a comprehensive review meeting on Thursday to assess the country’s preparedness for potential heat waves amid forecasts of severe summer weather conditions. Stressing coordinated efforts at all levels of governance, Modi chaired the meeting to evaluate the situation, particularly focusing on central and western peninsular India where above-normal maximum temperatures are anticipated from April to June. Discussions during the meeting also centered on the readiness within the health sector, emphasizing the availability of essential supplies like medicines, intravenous fluids, and potable water.

Addressing the need for effective communication, the meeting highlighted the importance of disseminating information through various platforms, including television, radio, and social media, especially in regional languages. With expectations of a hotter-than-normal summer coinciding with the General Elections, Modi emphasized translating health advisories into regional languages for wider dissemination. He underscored the necessity for a comprehensive approach involving cooperation among central, state, and district-level administrations to tackle upcoming challenges, including forest fires.

Modi stressed the significance of awareness campaigns and ensuring hospitals’ preparedness, particularly in detecting and combating forest fires promptly. Key officials from various departments, including the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) and the National Disaster Management Authority, participated in the meeting. According to recent IMD statements, India is likely to experience extreme heat conditions during the April to June period, coinciding with the onset of the extensive seven-phase general elections beginning on April 19.


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