Mumbai: Realme Buds Wireless 3 Neo neckband-style earphones were launched in India. The Realme Buds Wireless 3 Neo are currently retailing in India at Rs. 1,299. They are available for purchase via the Realme India e-store, Amazon, and Flipkart. The wireless neckband-style earphones are offered in three colourns – Black, Blue, and Green. As part of their first sale offer, the Realme Buds Wireless 3 Neo can be bought at a discounted rate of Rs. 1,199 till 11:59pm on May 23.
The Realme Buds Wireless 3 Neo are equipped with 13.4mm dynamic bass drivers that are said to offer middle and high-frequency sounds with more clarity than other smaller drivers. The earphones also come with support for AI-backed environmental noise cancellation (ENC).
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Realme’s new wireless earphones come with 45ms ultra-low latency. They come with Bluetooth 5.4, Google Fast Pair, and dual-device connection support. With dual-device connection, users can pair two devices to the earphones at once.
The Realme Buds Wireless 3 Neo are claimed to offer up to 32 hours of battery life. A 10 minute charge is said to provide 6 hours of playback time. The earphones have an IP55 rating for dust and splash resistance. The earbuds offer a magnetic connection feature that pauses music when stuck together and auto play music when pulled apart.
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