The CBI on Wednesday arrested Aman Singh, identified as a ‘co-conspirator’ in the NEET-UG paper leak case, from Dhanbad, Jharkhand. This brings the total number of arrests in the case to six. Previously, the principal and vice principal of Oasis School in Hazaribagh, and Dixit Patel, owner of Jay Jalaram School in Godhra, Gujarat, were also arrested. Patel was allegedly charging between Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh from candidates, promising to enhance their exam scores.
The CBI has registered six FIRs related to the case, with the Bihar FIR focusing on the paper leakage and the FIRs in Gujarat and Rajasthan addressing cheating and candidate impersonation. NEET-UG, conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA), is a crucial exam for admissions to MBBS, BDS, and related courses in government and private institutions. This year, nearly 24 lakh candidates took the test on May 5 at 4,750 centers. There were irregularities noted, including 67 students initially scoring a perfect 720, six of whom were from a Haryana center. Following a revision of results on July 1, the number of candidates sharing the top rank reduced to 61.
In response to the paper leak, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the issue in the Rajya Sabha while responding to the Motion of Thanks on the President’s address. He assured that strict action would be taken against those responsible for the NEET irregularities. Modi urged the house to rise above politics and seriously discuss the matter, highlighting the importance of addressing such issues for the future of the country.
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