Dhanush’s 50th film, “Raayan,” had a strong box office start on its opening day, earning over Rs 12 crore. Industry tracker Sacnilk reported that the Tamil-language action-thriller, which Dhanush wrote and directed, made Rs 11 crore from its Tamil version and Rs 1.5 crore from its Telugu version. Starring SJ Suryah, Prakash Raj, and Sundeep Kishan in supporting roles, “Raayan” achieved the highest opening day collection of Dhanush’s career, surpassing his previous film “Karnan.”
Trade analyst Ramesh Bala noted that “Raayan” debuted at number two in the UAE, Singapore, and Malaysia, just behind “Deadpool & Wolverine.” The film had a Tamil occupancy rate of 58.65%, with nearly 80% occupancy at night. It saw high occupancy in cities like Chennai (72%), Puducherry (74.75%), Mumbai (61%), and Bengaluru (40.75%). However, the Hindi-speaking regions showed only 7.1% overall occupancy, with Pune leading at 18.67%.
“Raayan,” a story about a fast-food restaurant owner’s revenge against a thug, received mixed reviews upon release. Initially set for a June 13 release, it was postponed to July 26. The film, rated ‘A’ and lasting two hours and 25 minutes, features music by AR Rahman, cinematography by Om Prakash, and editing by Prasanna GK. The cast includes Dhanush, SJ Suryah, Sundeep Kishan, Kalidas Jayaram, Aparna Balamurali, Dushara Vijayan, Prakash Raj, and Selvaraghavan.
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