Two female students and one male student tragically lost their lives when rainwater flooded the library basement of Rau’s IAS coaching centre in Old Rajender Nagar, central Delhi, on Saturday evening. At the time, 30 students were at the centre. While 27 managed to escape or were rescued, the three victims were trapped in the basement. A coordinated rescue effort involving the NDRF, fire brigade, and police began immediately. By 10:30 pm, the first fatality was confirmed when NDRF divers recovered the body of one of the girls. The other two bodies were retrieved later that night. The police have filed an FIR for causing death due to negligence under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita sections.
Students described the flooding as “horrific,” with some recalling similar conditions a week prior when the street was waist-deep in rainwater. The basement of Rau’s IAS coaching centre quickly filled with rainwater, creating a dire situation that necessitated the intervention of divers. UPSC aspirant Rahul Pawar recounted that the force of the water was so intense it collapsed the building’s gate, causing water to surge into the basement. Some students suggested that a speeding car exacerbated the situation. Meanwhile, criticism arose regarding poor safety measures at the coaching centre and persistent drainage problems in the area.
The incident has sparked widespread outrage and highlighted the urgent need for improved safety measures and better infrastructure in the area to prevent such tragedies. Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva blamed the Delhi government, citing similar past incidents, while MP Bansuri Swaraj criticized area MLA Durgesh Pathak for not clearing the drains despite public urging. She noted that the basement furniture was floating in the water, emphasizing the loss of young IAS aspirants who were pursuing bright futures.