Mumbai: Audio-Technica launched its latest truly wireless stereo (TWS) headset named ‘ATH-TWX7’ in India. It was previously unveiled in global markets in January. Audio-Technica ATH-TWX7 price in India is set at Rs. 19,990. It is available for purchase in the country via Amazon and other Audio-Technica retail partners. They are offered in a single Ash Black colourway.
The new Audio-Technica ATH-TWX7 earphones sport an in-ear design and are equipped with 5.8mm dynamic drivers. They are equipped with hybrid noise-cancellation technology which includes modes like hear-through and talk-through, which users can choose based on their ambience. The earphones carry MEMS (micro-electromechanical system) microphones which offer two call modes to ensure voice clarity — Natural and Noise-Reduction.
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The newly launched TWS earphones are compatible with the Audio-Technica Connect app which users can employ to manage noise cancellation or call modes as well as adjust EQ settings and touch functions. They support Bluetooth 5.1 multipoint connectivity which allows users to pair two electronic devices to the headset simultaneously. The TWS earphones come with support for SBC, AAC and LDAC audio codecs.
The Audio-Technica ATH-TWX7 earphones are claimed to offer of up to 6.5 hours of battery life with the ANC feature enabled, along with an additional 20 hours with the charging case. Without the ANC feature, however, the earphones can run up to 7.5 hours on a single charge and are claimed to offer a total playback time of up to 24 hours. The case has a USB Type-C charging port and supports wireless charging as well.