Mumbai: Leading smartphone brand Honor, has unveiled the Pad X8a Nadal Kids Edition in the Indian market. The newly launched device is a variant of the Honor Pad X8a. The new device is designed for younger users specifically. The new tablet features child-safe materials, which enhance parental controls and other creative features which promote safe and interactive learning for children.
The new Honor Pad X8a Nadal Kids Edition tablet has been priced at Rs 13,999. But for a limited period, this tablet is available at an introductory price tag of Rs 10,999.
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The Honor Pad X8a Nadal Kids Edition has been built for students and children. It comes with a shockproof body and has a protective case which is made from food-grade silicone. The tablet has a kid-friendly pen, which enables the children to doodle, write and engage in creative learning activities on the tablet.
This tablet features Eye Comfort Mode, which reduces the blue light exposure, making the extended screen time safer for the younger users. The tablet further incorporates TUV Rheinland certifications for low blue light and flicker-free performance.
The Nadal Kids Edition comes equipped with parental guidance tools, which enable parents to monitor and control their child’s screen time.
The tablet runs on a Snapdragon 680 processor and features RAM Turbo X. It runs on Magic OS 8.0.The tablet further features a large 11-inch display with a 90Hz refresh rate and a Quad-surround speaker system.