A case has been filed against Abdul Manaf, a truck owner, following a complaint from Arjun’s family in Kozhikode, Kerala. Arjun had gone missing during a landslide in Ankola, Karnataka, and his sister, Anju, accused Manaf of exploiting their grief for personal gain. The FIR includes charges of inciting social divisions and manipulating the family’s emotional vulnerability. The police are reviewing social media activity linked to the case and plan to record the family’s statements, assuring strict action will be taken.
Anju had also lodged a complaint against severe cyber harassment targeting the family, which intensified after Manaf made certain public statements. Arjun’s brother-in-law, Jithin, speaking on behalf of the family, mentioned that the online attacks worsened after Manaf used Arjun’s image on his YouTube channel. This move deeply upset the family, who believe Manaf took advantage of their situation.
In response, Manaf denied any ill intent, apologizing for using Arjun’s image and removing it from his YouTube profile. He explained that the channel, initially created to share updates on Arjun’s situation, gained a large following unexpectedly. Manaf offered to transfer the channel for charitable purposes, expressing regret over the controversy and reiterating that he never engaged in fundraising or sought personal benefit from the situation.