Mumbai: Honor introduced its flagship tablet named ‘Honor Pad GT Pro’ in China. The Honor Pad GT Pro starts at CNY 2,399 (roughly Rs. 28,000) for the base 8GB+128GB configuration and goes up to CNY 3,399 (roughly Rs. 40,000) for the top-end 16GB+512GB storage model. It is available for purchase in three colourways: GT Blue, Moon Shadow White, and Star Black.
Honor Pad GT Pro is equipped with a 12.3-inch OLED display with a 144Hz refresh rate, a resolution of 3,000×1920 pixels, and a 290ppi pixel density. The screen features IMAX Enhanced support and a peak brightness of 1,600 nits. It has a 92 percent screen-to-body ratio, measures 274.5 x 180.5 x 5.8mm in terms of dimensions, and weighs 555g. The tablet gets an eight-speaker setup with support for 3D spatial audio.
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The tablet is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chipset, paired with up to 16GB of RAM and up to 512GB of in-built storage. It is equipped with a 40,000+mm² large heat sink architecture and runs on MagicOS 8.0 based on Android 14.
The Honor Pad GT Pro sports a single 13-megapixel rear camera with a f/2.0 aperture and a 9-megapixel front selfie camera with f/2.2 aperture. It is backed by a 10,050mAh battery with 66W SuperCharge support. In terms of connectivity, the Honor tablet gets Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.3, and a USB Type-C port.
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