Mumbai: Logitech M196 wireless mouse was launched in India. It supports Bluetooth LE connectivity and is compatible with both Windows and macOS devices. Logitech M196 price in India is set at Rs. 1,125 and will be available for purchase through several retailers across the country. The mouse is offered in three colour options — graphite, off-white, and rose.
The Logitech M196 sports an ambidextrous design which allows both right-handed and left-handed usage. It gets a 1,000 DPI optical sensor and a scrolling wheel, which offers line-by-line scrolling.
Logitech’s new wireless mouse supports Bluetooth LE connectivity and can therefore work with both Windows and macOS devices, or even your smartphone. It is claimed to have a range of 10meters and comes with a connect/power switch.
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The Logitech M196 wireless mouse can last for up to 12 months and requires a single AA battery. It comes with an auto-sleep feature that is said to help with this longevity. Logitech also states that up to 67 percent of the mouse is made of post-consumer recycled plastic.
Notably, recently Logitech introduced the POP Mouse alongside the POP Icon Keys keyboards. The mouse is priced at Rs. 3,595 and features a SmartWheel with Silent Touch Technology. It is said to deliver a battery life of up to 24 months on a single charge.
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