Mumbai: Oppo Enco X3 earphones were launched in China on. They appear to be the rebranded OnePlus Buds Pro 3, which were launched in India in August. Oppo Enco X3 price is set in China at CNY 999 (roughly Rs. 11,800). The earphones are offered in two colour options — black and off-white.
The Oppo Enco X3 sport a traditional in-ear design with silicon ear tips and rounded stems. The earphones support capacitative touch controls including pinch actions and sliding for volume adjustment. They are equipped with 11mm bass drivers and 6mm tweeters alongside dual DAC units. They have AI-backed triple mic units with VPU bone conduction.
Oppo’s Enco X3 support up to 50dB of active noise cancellation (ANC) and it can be adjusted based on the environment. They come with support for immersive spatial audio. The earphones are tuned by Danish loudspeaker maker Dynaudio and come with an IP55 rating for dust and water resistance.
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The Enco X3 earphones can offer a total battery life of up to 43 hours with the charging case. Meanwhile, the earphones alone can last for up to 10 hours on a single charge. Connectivity options include Bluetooth 5.4 alongside support for LHDC 5.0 audio codec.
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