Police in Srinagar conducted multiple raids on Saturday in connection with an investigation into individuals allegedly spreading seditious propaganda to incite unlawful and violent activities. The raids were carried out in Batamaloo and HMT areas under a case registered at Shergari police station under Section 13 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.
The police targeted the residences of Obais Riyaz Dar from Bonpora, Batamaloo, and Sahil Ahmad Bhat of HMT, Zainakot, after obtaining warrants from an NIA court. Authorities allege these individuals were part of a conspiracy to disseminate fabricated and misleading narratives intended to provoke violence. During the raids, officials seized incriminating materials and electronic devices, emphasizing that more searches would follow to uncover additional suspects involved in similar activities.
Citizens were advised to use social media responsibly and avoid sharing content that could spread false narratives or incite violence, especially among youth. Authorities warned against the dangers of such propaganda, which could lead to acts of terror and unrest. The investigation remains ongoing.
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