Accidents on the Bengaluru-Mysuru Expressway have dropped by 75% since the introduction of the Intelligent Traffic Management System (ITMS) in July 2024. Prior to this, the expressway had experienced frequent accidents despite efforts by the traffic police and National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) to address safety concerns. In 2023, there were 523 accidents, resulting in 158 deaths, but the number of accidents decreased to just 84 between January and November 2024, with no fatalities in the last two months. The ITMS has played a crucial role in monitoring vehicle speeds and improving safety on the expressway.
Overspeeding had been a major issue on the expressway, with vehicles reaching speeds of 130-140 km/h. To combat this, ITMS-equipped cameras were installed to monitor and enforce speed limits. Drivers exceeding the 100 km/h limit receive a challan sent directly to their registered mobile number. Additionally, the NHAI banned the movement of bikes and three-wheelers on the expressway from August 2023, directing them to use service roads. These efforts have helped reduce reckless driving and improve overall safety.
The ITMS has also been effective in identifying and penalizing traffic violations, leading to fines totaling ?85.8 crore between 2022 and November 2024. However, only a small portion of these fines has been collected, with significant amounts still pending. Authorities emphasize that while the expressway has eased travel, following traffic rules and adhering to safety measures is essential to maintaining its safety benefits. The successful reduction in accidents highlights the positive impact of technology and enforcement in improving road safety.
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