Bengaluru: In a tragic incident, 6 people of a family including 2 children lost their lives as a a truck carrying a large cargo container overturned and fell on a SUV. The accident took place on Bengaluru-Tumkur national highway. The incident involved multiple vehicles, including two lorries, two cars, and a school bus.
As per police, the family of a businessman was heading out of the city in Volvo XC90 B5 Mild Hybrid Ultra car. The truck collided with another truck belonging to KMF (Nandini). The SUV was moving parallelly to the container truck. Both, the container truck and the milk dairy truck toppled and in the impact the SUV got crushed.
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The victim have been identified as Chandrayagappa Gaul (48), Gaurabai (42), Vijayalakshmi (36), Jaan (16), Deeksha (12) and Arya (6). Further investigation into the accident is underway.
In a similar incident last month, on November 28, three people were killed on the Bengaluru-Mysuru Expressway after their speeding car lost control and collided with a bus coming from the opposite direction.
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