Mumbai: Chinese smartphone brand Huawei has launched the Huawei Watch GT5 Pro Smartwatch in the Indian market. The Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro Black is available for Rs 29,999, while the Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro Titanium is priced at Rs 39,999. Both variants of the smartwatch can be purchased on Amazon and Flipkart.
The smartwatch comes with exclusive features which includes the pro-level Sports Mode, integrated GPS maps, advanced ECG monitoring and many more. The smartwatch is compatible with both iOS and Android devices and offers Bluetooth calling and text reply features.
The Huawei Watch GT5 Pro is crafted from aerospace-grade titanium alloy, featuring a titanium bezel, an iconic crown, a nanocrystal ceramic body, and a sapphire glass.
The smartwatch features Huawei’s advanced TruSense technology for precise health monitoring, including stress management, heart rate tracking, SpO2 monitoring, and sleep analysis. Fitness enthusiasts can choose from over 100 workout modes, with professional-level tracking for activities like golf, trail jogging, and free diving.
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