A tragic incident unfolded at Porbandar airport in Gujarat on Sunday afternoon when an Indian Coast Guard (ICG) Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) Dhruv crashed during landing, killing all three crew members. The crash occurred at 12:10 pm, as confirmed by Porbandar Superintendent of Police Bhagirathsinh Jadeja. The helicopter was engulfed in flames upon impact, and the crew members, severely burned, were rescued from the wreckage and rushed to a hospital. However, they succumbed to their injuries, according to Inspector Rajesh Kanmiya of Kamala Baug police station.
The ALH Dhruv crashed in an open field near the airport, with visuals showing smoke and flames rising from the site. While the cause of the crash remains unclear, earlier flaws in the ALH Dhruv fleet had been identified a few years ago, prompting a safety audit before resuming operations. This model is widely used by the Indian armed forces, including the Navy, Air Force, Army, and Coast Guard, for various missions, highlighting the importance of thorough safety measures.
The Indian Coast Guard has extensively employed the ALH Dhruv for rescue operations in the past. One notable incident involved a crash into the Arabian Sea off Porbandar’s coast during a rescue mission. With over 325 ALH Dhruv helicopters in operation, this latest tragedy underscores ongoing concerns about the fleet’s safety and reliability.
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