The Tamil Nadu government has declared a six-day holiday for Pongal 2025, extending from January 14th to 19th. The official holidays include Thai Pongal on January 14th, Thiruvalluvar Day on the 15th, and Uzhavar Thirunal on the 16th. To create a longer festive break, January 17th has been added as an additional holiday, with the weekend falling on the 18th and 19th.
The decision to extend the holidays came after public demand, particularly from students and families who sought more time to travel and celebrate. The state government considered these requests and officially declared January 17th as a holiday for government offices, schools, colleges, and public sector companies. This announcement brought much excitement among students and residents looking forward to an extended celebration.
To compensate for the additional day off, the government has designated January 25th, a Saturday, as a working day. The six-day holiday is expected to facilitate widespread participation in Pongal festivities, allowing families to spend quality time together and engage in traditional celebrations across Tamil Nadu.
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