A Delhi-bound Air India flight made an emergency landing at Bengaluru’s Kempegowda International Airport after one of its engines stalled mid-air. The Airbus A320 Neo, equipped with CFM LEAP engines, had taken off at 7:09 PM, delayed from its scheduled departure at 5:45 PM. The engine failure occurred during the flight, prompting the crew to ensure a safe landing at 8:11 PM. All passengers onboard were unharmed, and the aircraft was inspected following the incident. Alternative arrangements were made, with a replacement flight departing Bengaluru at 11:47 PM and reaching Delhi at 2:02 AM on January 6.
In a separate incident, passengers of an Air India Express flight to Riyadh faced a six-hour delay due to the late arrival of the pilot. The flight, IX 321, scheduled to depart Karipur at 8:00 PM on Saturday, eventually took off at 2:00 AM on Sunday. Passengers, including women and children, endured a total wait time of nine hours at the airport, causing significant inconvenience.
Such delays are reportedly frequent on Air India Express flights in the Saudi sector. A similar issue recently occurred with a flight from Kozhikode to Riyadh, which was also delayed due to the pilot’s tardiness. Passengers have expressed frustration over these repeated delays, calling for improved operational efficiency and accountability from the airline.
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